11.52KW Solar install in Georgetown with Oncor

Georgetown Solar install

Solar Monitor
Enphase MyEnlighten
Mr. K had been researching solar companies for close to 6 months to install with Oncor. Calling all the high cost installer to talk and send him their proposals. It wasn’t until Mr. K gave Texas Solar Guys a call did he find the right information and right price he was looking for.

We sat down and explained our installation process along with financing options and the Enphase monitoring. He and his wife were happy with the design and decided to do their own financing in order to take advantage of our cash pricing. The project was delayed a couple weeks while financing was finalized. Once everything was in order We got to work submitting paperwork to Oncor for approval and selecting days to install. The solar installation took 2 days to complete while we worked around the rain storms. The system included 36 Q-Cell 320 Watt DUO modules paired with 36 – Enphase IQ-7PLUS micro-inverters and the Enphase Envoy Solar Production and Household consumption monitor.

Mr. K asked to have the upgraded version of the Enlighten software so he can keep a close eye on the production of each panel.Solar BOS Wall

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Solar Sean