We had spoken with Mr. J earlier in the year about installing a 7KW system on his home. After going back and forth a few times along with other quotes he had received, Mr. J decided that he wasn’t quite ready to have solar installed on his home.
Austin Energy announced in late spring 2019 that they would be doing a $1000 summer bonus solar rebate on top of their current $2500 solar rebate. We had sent emails out to all our current and past Austin Energy customers letting them know that an extra $1000 was available to them this summer if they wanted to install solar this year. Mr. J said it was just enough to put us over the top. He was ready and he knew exactly the equipment he wanted. LG panels with a SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter.
The first step with any solar install is to measure the roof and inspect the electrical setup. Mr. J had many large trees near his property. In order to qualify for Austin Energy Solar Rebate we must confirm that the system has a minimum of 75% TSRF, Total Solar Resource Fraction. The TSRF is the ratio of sunlight available accounting for both shading, pitch and azimuth, compared to the total sunlight available at a given location at the optimum tilt and orientation with no shading.
With Mr. J’s system we had to move a couple panels from the original design for the final design to optimize the performance of his system.
After the final design was complete we had Mr. J take the Austin Energy Solar Education course to get his enrollment ID. We need this to submit projects for the rebate program.
As soon as Austin Energy approved the system we had it installed and operational in less than 4 weeks.
His system is 21 LG 335 watt panels with a 6.0KW SolarEdge HD Wave inverter.
If you are interested in local rebates and incentives please contact Texas Solar Guys for a custom solar quote.